Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers the the most commonly asked questions about being a high school sports official.


Question: What experience is necessary to officiate?

Answer: There is no specific experience required to become a sports official. A simple passion for the game and a desire to become involved is the first step. Many officials have played or coached football or basketball, but it is not a prerequisite. A basic understanding of the game, and the dedication to become familiar with the rules, mechanics, and physical demands are preferred. Many officials also get started on the youth league level prior to working the high school level. The CFOA can help you seek out those opportunities as well.


Question: What training resources are available through the CFOA?

Answer: The CFOA offers training classes and clinics in Football, Basketball, Flag Football and Volleyball. The Training and Education link in the navigation menu will provide the latest information on how to become involved. There is no cost to the training that the CFOA provides it's members.


Question: What do officials get paid?

Answer: The FHSAA Publishes the Officials Guidebook, which details current fees for officials in all sports.


Question: What areas does the CFOA provide officials for?

Answer: The CFOA covers the majority of schools in Orange, Seminole, and Osceola County. Other neighboring counties at times will also utilize CFOA members.


Question: I'm ready today to become an official, how do I get started?

Answer: Visit our Recruitment Page to find out the various deadlines and requirements to register as a contest official.

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FingerprintingAll CFOA officials must comply with the Jessica Lunsford Act. Read more »

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